Title: The Morning Report Author: Kyra Neko-Rei Rating: R, for this one. NC-17 soon, I promise. Warnings: Talk of BDSM. Disclaimer: It isn't mine. Summary: The holding cells are now THE place to see and be seen. Everybody important seems to be there.
Title: "Heat." Author: Kyra Neko-Rei Rating: NC-17 Summary: Megatron, trapped in the Laurentian Abyss, seeks the help of his faction's patron deity. For the Mecha_Erotica January contest. The Fallen/Megatron, Dom/sub worship!kink & heat!kink prayer!sex between demigod and supplicant.
Title: Wing Kink, Part 3: Greetings. Author: Kyra Neko-Rei Rating: PG for this chapter. Disclaimer: Nothing is mine besides the wings' range of mobility. Summary: Megatron is fascinated by Starscream's wings. And Thundercracker's and Skywarp's, at the moment.
I like sentence prompts. They result in little flashes of fic that are done very quickly, they give me ideas, and they often provoke longer drabbles
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A series of short one-shots. (As usual, pick your 'verse.)
Title: Wing Kink, Part 1: Entranced. Author: Kyra Neko-Rei Rating: R for Part 2. Disclaimer: Starscream's flexible wing joints are the only part of them I can claim. Summary: Megatron is fascinated by Starscream's wings.